My, how the year flies by. The Autumn is fast approaching and preparations are in full swing at our base in Findern, Derby. The planting season is upon us and our stocks of plants are reaching full capacity. By the end of the month we will have our new range of Italian stock, with hardy […]
Fuchsia (hardy) No other shrub gives more colour and satisfaction than the Hardy Fuchsia. Masses of pendulous earing type flowers July through to October. Prefers a sunny position, but will tolerate semi-shade. Average height to 1.5m. Prune hard every March to encourage strong new flowering shoots. Megalanica and Ricartonii are the hardiest. Hybiscus (Tree Hollyhock) […]
Buddleia (Butterfly Bush) Non demanding, fast growing, deciduous, versatile shrub. Long plumes of flowers July to September. Attracts all species of insects including Butterflies and Bees etc. Dwarf varieties are available, but the average height can reach 2.5m+. Prune hard in spring to promote strong & healthy new growth. Cerise-pink (Royal Red), Mauve-blue (Nanho Blue), […]