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Rowan trees are generally small growing and are very suitable for small gardens. They have white flowers in May, followed by berries in late summer and early autumn.

Depending on the variety the berries can be red, orange, yellow or white and are good for attracting birds. All Rowans have wonderful orangey-red autumn leaf colours.

Recommended varieties:

Sorbus aucuparia (Common Rowan, orangey red berries)

Sorbus Sheerwater Seedling (Upright growing, red berries)

Sorbus Sunshine (Yellow berries)

Sorbus Chinese Lace (Fern-shaped leaves, orangey-red berries)

Sorbus Edulis (Larger growing with edible orangey-red berries. Good for making rowan jelly)

Sorbus cashmiriana (Small growing, white berries)

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