Melcourt Playbark® 60L

£13.00 Price shown includes VAT (Net amount is £10.83)

A well-graded, pine bark-based loose impact absorbing surface(LIAS), widely used and suitable with all play equipment, including climbing frames, slides and space nets.

• Nominal particle size range 10 – 40 mm
• Clean and virtually dust and fines-free
• Free-draining and performance not adversely affected by frost
• Reddish brown in colour and very attractive appearance
• High durability of between 3 and 5 years plus
• Good resistance to wind erosion
• Less than 5 % wood content by volume
• Specifically graded to meet all the main criteria for surfacing children’s play areas
• Compliant with BS EN 1176, Table A.1 confirming that Playbark meets a nationally accepted industry standard
• High resistance to fire confirmed by testing in accordance with BS 4790:1987• Rapid drainage during wet weather allows play all year round
• Easy to install and maintain
• Clean to play on
• Any overspill onto adjacent grassed areas will not damage mowing equipment
• The loose, particulate feel of Playbark 8/25 deters dogs and cats, thus helping to prevent animal fouling
• Hostile living environment for pests
• Easy to relocate
• At the end of its useful life as a play surface, Playbark can be effectively re-used as a mulch or soil conditioner

181 in stock
